Things to Consider About Gynecologic Cancer

National Gynecologic awareness month falls in September. During that month, you get an opportunity to draw attention to the cancers and their development in a woman’s reproductive system. Taking an understanding of what gynecologic cancer is to help yourself and the other women around you. Let us understand the facts of gynecologic cancers that are affecting thousands of women every year.

Types of Gynecologic cancers

It is a group of cancer that affects the tissue and organs of a female reproductive system. The primary cancers are cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, vaginal cancer, and vulvar cancer. Some of these are divided into subcategories of ovarian and uterine cancer. You can visit the best IVF center in Ahmedabad to get a better understanding in detail. The risk factors and treatment for any of these cancers are different, but they are treatable if diagnosed early.

A common disease

According to the American Cancer Society, these cancers are common, and more than 110000 women are diagnosed with one of these cancers. Uterine cancer is the most common of all, followed by ovarian and cervical cancers. Knowing the signs of gynecologic cancers can help reduce the risk of having cancer.

Any woman can face this risk.

All the women are at risk, and it increases with age. This does not mean that all women will indeed develop one of these cancers. Some common risk factors known to increase the risk of cancer may include:

  • HPV infected
  • Long-term use of birth control pills
  • Eating unhealthy food without any nutrition
  • Being obese
  • Tobacco use
  • HIV/AIDS infection
  • Exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES), estrogen is given during pregnancy to prevent miscarriage

Other risk factors that cannot be controlled include age, race, and genetic issues. You can discuss with the best gynecological cancer surgeon in Ahmedabad the risk factors relating to family history. 

Take Precautionary Steps

Self-examinations and regular screening at the best 3D laparoscopy center in Ahmedabad under the observation of a gynecologist can detect certain types of cancer at the early stage. For cervical cancer that is caused by HPV, a vaccine is available that may help. Proper diet, exercise, and lifestyle play a significant role in preventing any cancer. You can also keep track of family history that may help you get knowledge.


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