The Connection between PCOS and Infertility Unleashed

PCOS – Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, a medical condition in the female sex hormones that makes it difficult for a woman to conceive. Only 10% of women are affected with this condition during their reproductive years. Despite its pervasiveness, many women are not aware of their health condition. It is when they notice a delay in conceiving, this condition is detected, says an infertility specialist in Ahmedabad. Does PCOS affect fertility? PCOS is a hormonal condition that interferes with the reproductive system. The most important sex hormone, known as estrogen, includes the follicles to produce eggs that are released in the ovaries after the monthly cycle ends. In PCOS, ovaries fail to lay eggs, which can lead to infertility. The best gynecologist in Ahmedabad provides patients with medication that help a woman to ovulate. Hormonal imbalances can still become an obstacle in the development of the uterus lining wall. Even if ovulation takes place, the process of egg implantation can beco...